Being a minister of God's grace in Honduras!

It was such a privilege to serve the Lord with Luke 9:2 Ministries in Honduras!

A dear lady whom I saw was very discouraged because she was bitten by a snake and wasn't able to get medical care after that. Her livelihood requires her to walk a lot and she had been unable to walk very far due to pain and cramping. It was extremely rewarding to see how happy and encouraged she was after massaging her, teaching her stretches and recommending hot towel compresses to increase blood flow for healing.

The Lord knows that I have a special heart for those going through heartbreak so I was privileged to hear stories of dear ones who were going through heartbreak so that I could pray for peace and healing for them as I worked. It was wonderful to see them go from not smiling and burdened to a huge smile of joy on their faces after massaging them. I am so grateful I was able to be used by the Lord.

Honduras is in my heart and in my prayers.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10